Oakville Street Names and Landmarks
David Ashe and Joyce Burnell
This collection is based on the life's work of David Ashe, who while employed as a draftsperson with the Town of Oakville, compiled a listing of legal survey plans and registry information on the streets of Oakville. Being a researcher at heart, he went further ,and spent countless hours of his spare time gathering the history behind Oakville's streets.
Joyce Burnell, known for her Ghost books and for spearheading a campaign to save the Woodlands White Oak, has picked a selection of Ashe's street histories and added several Oakville landmarks - some of which are not longer here. Add to this, interesting archival images - some never seen before - combined with newer colour photographs and you have an intriguing reflection of Oakville's unique history.
With close to 100 street name histories and over 40 landmarks featured, these interesting vignettes make for an easy, enjoyable read.
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168 pages.